Providing robust solutions to proteomic mass spec research challenges
Phoenix S&T provides innovative nanospray and microspray systems and solutions for cutting- edge life science research and drug discovery. Phoenix S&T’s Nimbus and pneu-Nimbus NanoLC System delivers automated, robust electrospray ionization for LC/MS experiments through proprietary spray controls and unique engineering that prevent clogging and dripping. The systems also feature performance enhancing functions including switching on/off the high spray voltage on the dual columns, capabilities for increased sensitivity and throughput by nano- and micro- LC/MS used for drug discovery, clinical diagnostics and homeland security.
NEW! : Robust Microspray source PST-ES-M-N for the Thermo Easy-spray source and metal emitters-Plug and Play-supremely stable spray for both positive and negative ion sprays, and is also nanospray-capable. This source also allows the Easy-spray source to be adapted for any columns from any vendors, both the kind with an integrated emitter as well as the ones with fittings at both ends, thus the nickname: “Jailbreak 2.0. The PST-mTips spray emitters in these sources are drop-in replacements for traditional fused silica laser pulled emitters in any nanoLC-MS sources. Other new products include pneu-Nimbus source upgraded from the Thermo NanoFLex source or the Sciex nanospray sources. Of course the “Jailbreak 1.0” column heater , since its introduction in 2016, has become quite popular.
We have now added all stainless steel microLC columns of many phases and particle size to complete the microLC-MS set-up. You may buy these columns as well as the spray emitters right here at this website.
For more information of each of the products and their brochures please click on the product of interest.