Phoenix S&T offers conventional single column sources for the Thermo family of mass spectrometers. Upgrades to users’own Sciex Nanospray I, II, and II , and the Bruker Apollo source are also offered. Occasionally, we have refurbished Thermo Nanoflex, Easy -Spray and Sciex Nanospray II or III sources available. Please contact us for inquiries. Click on the links of the product catalog name to be directed to the individual product page.
Single column sources for the Thermo mass spectrometers
- Lower cost
- Full-function
- Sheath gas-capable for the QE family of MS
- Accomodates Phoenix S&T’s column heater
- Spray imaging system is capable of viewing the spray during analysis
Single column source upgrade for the Sciex Nanospray sources
- Usually the upgrade is for the upgrade to dual-column functions.
- Single column source usually includes a refurbished frame of a Nanospray I, II source.
Bruker source upgrade for the Apollo (R) source
- >20x higher sensitivity than the OEM nanospray source insert.
- Integrated column heater for a 15 cm column
- Attachment for off-line nanospray with heat and pressure
- I.maging camera available
View the source upgrade details in the brochure here,
For the Bruker MS, view the brochure here.