Pencil column heater and controller
Pencil column heater and controller
Pencil column heaters
PST-CH-xxU, xx= 10-25 cm
PST-CH-xxUB, xx=26-50 cm, bendable
Column heater controllers
View product details in Brochure.
Contact us for more information or quote. Please include the makes of your MS and LC.
oImprove reproducibility, mass transfer and dramatically reduce run pressures and carry-overs.
oDesigned specifically for nano/microspray applications to increase resolution and throughput.
oTemperature range between ambient and 100 ⁰ C, with stability control to 0.2 ⁰ C
oLengths available between 6 to 25 cm for most styles. Specify when ordering. Inquire about custom lengths.
Model numbers:
- NEW! PST-ESR-xx Column heater for the Easy-Spray ® source. Use your own columns! xx=12-25 cm; xxU= with liquid junction union, xxT=with liquid junction Tee.
- “Butterfly” Portfolio Heater – Our most versatile heater, available as 20 cm x 4 cm and15 cm x 4 cm heaters. For other dimensions, please inquire.
- PST-BCH heater with 0.5” diameter for a commercial PEEKsil column with end fittings. Can be inserted into the CaptiveSprayTM source.
- PST-CH-xxU: our popular “pencil” heater for bare fused silica
- PST-CH-xxUB: Bendable “pencil” heater, xx= 15-50 cm
- PST-CHC column heater controller
PST-CHC-RC: Column heater controller with contact closure-controlled (LC or MS) switching between two temperatures. Controller has decimal point read out.
Pencil column heaters
PST-CH-xxU, xx= 10-25 cm
PST-CH-xxUB, xx=26-50 cm, bendable
Column heater controllers
View product details in Brochure.
Contact us for more information or quote. Please include the makes of your MS and LC.